TFX Instructional Video

Bitrode presents our NEW Instructional Video on the TFX – End of the Line Testing Equipment.

Bitrode Project Engineer, Mike Muretich, teamed up with Marketing Specialist Brady Hardin to produce instructional videos. For the first video, Mike introduces contents of the two back cabinets:


In the next video, Mike will introduce the front controls. Stay in touch with our newsletter to be notified of future releases covering the front of the equipment and software operation.


More about the TFX:
High current discharge testing on the production line is a vital part of automotive and commercial battery manufacturing, and Bitrode’s model TFX is designed for just this task. The TFX combines the toughness required to operate reliably in the harsh environment of a battery facility with the most current networking and productivity tools, ensuring that testing can be smoothly integrated with production workflow and data across the entire manufacturing enterprise.


If you’d like to watching another video, go here to watch our 2019 review video: